Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to beat the casino

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Law of Averages - Beat the odds in online roulette
You're going to start earning tax free money in less than 15 minutes so get Ready!
All of the odds on a Roulette table are based on the “Law of Averages” minus one or two
points. This is so the casino can only gain money from you playing the table...Until now!
This eBook explains how to blow away this "Law of Averages" and use this to your advantage.
I am sure the casino will catch on eventually, but when is a different matter. There are literally
millions of people playing at these online casinos, with our targeted casino being the largerst.
So the odds that they will see the few of us using this system against all of the other players
is very minimal, we are talking like 1 in 3 million. Every casino has an "Acceptable Loss" policy
which gives us plenty of time to win some serious money before they fix this! If you spent
an hour a day doing this, you would make more in a week than most people do in a month.
We have tested numerous online casinos, with different methods.

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